Estudi del pintor Damià Jaume

Estudi del pintor Damià Jaume

The project was born from the decision of making a cistern in order to collect the water coming from the roof. That circumstance was used as an excuse to build the new workshop. Oposed to the existing studio, which has vistas to Mallorca’s fields, the new one looks to the nearest ground. It abridges, protects and wraps the orchard up and yet at the same time it has a look over it.
Two boxes are designed: the biggest one to be used to paint, the smallest one to be used to store and display the works.
The game of construction:
Two modes, one in the ceramic box and another one in the wooden box. The ceramic box is built with standard cheaper materials. Termoceramic is chosen because of its hability to solve the whole wall in only one layer. It’s not after using it that the amount of different opportunities that it provides are discovered, as if it was a surprise. The slab is made of concrete joints and jack arch brick, we were fascinated by how they look when placed upside-down.
Wooden boxes are introduced into the project when the existence of a client’s carpenter friend is known. Woodwork become into boxes inside another box in which one gets in and lives into. Light, air, views an people can pass through them and yet in them one can stay, read, work, talk, rest…

Estudi del pintor Damià Jaume
Estudi del pintor Damià Jaume
Estudi del pintor Damià Jaume
Estudi del pintor Damià Jaume