Capsa habitable

Datos de la obra

Example of reusing heritage. This project consists of making a reversible intervention which dignifies and updates an obsolete building due to the lack of self-sufficient society based on agriculture in the Pirenees. Instead of deleting the past and the cultural heritage, a light wooden box built in situ is placed where grass used to be dried like if it was a piece of furniture, which allows to create a minimum house well insulated benefited by the qualities of traditional architecture.

Casa passiva Arboretum

L’edifici és un habitatge entre mitgeres, que vol  reduir el consum de recursos naturals. Minimitza el consum d’energia per al confort climàtic amb un bon aïllament i una disposició de les obertures amb un pati interior que maximitza la captació solar passiva durant l’hivern i proteccions solars a l’estiu.

Gimnàs 704

The city council of Barberà del Vallès commissioned us the design of a gymnasium with locker rooms and an outdoor track for the children's education centre called “El Bosc" which is located in an industrial estate.

House 205

Datos de la obra
Pressupost unitari: 

The setting of the project is a plot with steep slopes and a great amount of trees and bushes. The aim is building a house without causing any serious impacts on the land. The house will be built on a natural rocky platform. This platform will also be used as either the exit or the garden of the house. The architects and the property developers have agreed on minimizing land movements in order to build the artificial landscaped platforms. The target is to make good use of the existing land shelves. This will allow us to preserve the natural physiognomy of the wood.

House at Bunyola

Finding himself in a place where popular expertise alone knows how to build sends the architect back to school, but this time to a good one. The fact that only a beast of burden or a man on foot might reach the site has never been an obstacle; the construction was awaiting what was simple, both in materials, those found in the immediate vicinity, and topography. A mechanical wheelbarrow driven by a man has brought up the blocks of thermoceramic and a helicopter has transported the concrete.

Estudi del pintor Damià Jaume

The project was born from the decision of making a cistern in order to collect the water coming from the roof. That circumstance was used as an excuse to build the new workshop. Oposed to the existing studio, which has vistas to Mallorca’s fields, the new one looks to the nearest ground. It abridges, protects and wraps the orchard up and yet at the same time it has a look over it.
Two boxes are designed: the biggest one to be used to paint, the smallest one to be used to store and display the works.
The game of construction:

Dwellings at Barcelona

Datos de la obra
Pressupost unitari: 

Our approach to the project was to work from inside out, carefully considering the spatial qualities and adjacencies of the interior spaces. Thick boundaries between interior and exterior act as small-scale buffers or ‘almost-rooms’, providing the dwelling with a richer variety of spaces of different scale and character.
A small sun-room in the living room provides passive solar heat gain in the winter. In the summer, when the sun is high up, it becomes a balcony when opening the exterior glass louvres and closing the interior folding glass doors. 

Hotel Aire

Datos de la obra
Data projecte: 
Data finalització: 

Situat a un camp de blat situat per un paisatge àrid amb collita de regadiu, exposat a forts i constants vents, l’hotel es va concebre com a seqüència d’interiors protegits  des dels quals poder contemplar l’exterior.
Per a reforçar la idea d’habitacions com a elements protegits per a observar l’exterior, vam crear finestres sortints d’amplada exagerada fets amb panells de fusta que oculten els marcs des de l’interior. La finestra es percep com a una obertura sense vidre profunda, creant una percepció de gruix que no és inherent a la construcció lleugera utilitzada.

Reforma habitatge Passatge Batlló

Van trobar un pis petit a la planta primera d’un passatge tranquil. Un interior plè de subdivisions, un gran pati, i rastres evidents de 100 anys d’ocupació.
No sabiem qui en sería l’usuari, però el client tenia algunes coses clares; guanyar espai, guanyar llum, molts armaris i no fer un “loft”…
Construïm envans d’obra, paral.lels al sentit longitudinal de la planta, que recorren l’interior i surten a l’exterior conectant amb els coberts existents. Separen i sustenten.

Casa Sant Feliu

Datos de la obra
Pressupost unitari: 

Terraced house with two levels and attic, 4.27m width and a depth of 21.40m. Since its main façade is facing south and the back terrace is facing north, the house is organized grouping day-time zones in the first floor and creating a courtyard for ventilation. This allows the living room to benefit from southern orientation but maintains privacy from the street and also illuminates the centre of the ground floor. The structure is steel with rigid joints welded off site in order to guarantee transversal stability. All on site joints were screwed fixed only.

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